Employment Noncompetition / Non-solicitation Agreements in New York by Jonas Urba.

Video transcript discusses why employment lawyers review noncompetition agreements across New York State:

I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check talking about employment agreements and noncompetition provisions. Those are coming up all the time with work from home and COVID. More employees are working all over the place and you need to have a good employment agreement. Three of the things that I look for are how are you gonna enforce the agreement if something goes wrong? A lot of agreements have arbitration provisions so we look at those. Another thing is who’s gonna pay for the litigation, arbitration or mediation you may need to resolve a dispute? And thirdly, is your employment agreement truly a contract? It might look like an enforceable contract but it’s not. Next we move onto restrictive covenants. Restrictive covenants are usually parts of employment agreements or they’re parts of separate provisions of employee handbooks; a restrictive covenant or something like a nonsolicitation or noncompetition agreement. Those documents prevent employees from going to work elsewhere or prevent them from engaging in certain activity from a prior employer. I’m getting quite a lot of employees calling about can they break or will they be held responsible for a noncompetition or nonsolicitation provision if they move, if they go to another state, if they go to another employer. And so we review those on a regular basis and the nice thing about employment agreements and restrictive covenant reviews is that you can do it from anywhere. I’ve been doing it for years all around New York State. Sometimes people call from other states around the U.S., if they’ve worked in New York or the law that governs their contract or agreement is New York we can do that from anywhere. So call some employment lawyers. Call me. I’m Jonas Urba, I serve the entire state of New York, and I can be reached at (212) 731-4776. Attorney Advertising.







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