Employment discrimination complaints get better or worse

Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer, here with Employment Law Reality Check. “My employment discrimination case is a slam dunk.” The person who says this is usually not the one who has the best employment discrimination case. The employees who call me and say “I’m not sure if I was discriminated against” are often very focused on the facts even though they are not certain regarding whether their facts rise to the level of employment discrimination. Other employees may not even consider that they have been discriminated at work, but they are able to relay facts to an employment lawyer coherently so the employment lawyer can formulate one or more potential theories of recovery for employment discrimination. The employee who thinks that their case is a sure win is often very, very disappointed because no employment case, almost no employment case, is a slam dunk. We usually have months if not years of facts regarding employment history which we sift through and employers always have reasons which they claim are the real reason for terminating an employee. When an employee believes, and is certain, it was discrimination, it’s almost never certain. All employment law cases either get better or they get worse. When your employment lawyer signs up a client to represent in these cases, the case will never be the same once the case is finally resolved. That case will either be a lot better or it’s going to be a lot worse. Before you take it upon yourself you should discuss the facts of your particular case and the facts of your particular discrimination matter, if there is one, with many employment lawyers. Call around. Call me. I’m Jonas Urba, I serve the entire state of New York, and I can be reached at (212) 731-4776. Attorney Advertising.







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