Bullying is not necessarily harassment nor hostile workplace

I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. Within the last few weeks I have had a number of employees call me with situations which they believe are discriminatory. They refer to “bullying”. There are no specific laws about bullying at work although some employees find that hard to believe. I ask “are you in a protected class” where discrimination begins. And then as we discuss the particular facts of their situation, employees say “but that’s gonna be really hard to prove”. Employment discrimination is almost always hard to prove. Circumstantial evidence is something that you have to compile and it takes time. It could take months or years to prove a discrimination claim. Before you file charges somewhere or you don’t report to human resources. Remember that when you report to human resources that you are being discriminated they can’t retaliate against you. They can take action against you for a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason, you are not doing your job, but they can’t retaliate because you complained about discrimination at work. Call some employment lawyers, call me, I’m Jonas Urba, I serve the entire state of New York and I can be reached at (212) 731-4776. Attorney Advertising.







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