Easier defense of small employers who follow their handbooks

I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer. It’s been about a year since I started making these videos and I’m going to do a little something different. I’m going to make 3 videos on how important it is to get it in writing. This particular one is going to be geared toward small employers. Small employers are often surprised to learn that if they had things in writing up front it would have been a lot cheaper. For one, payroll practices. New York’s Sections 195 and 198 of the Labor Law are taken very seriously. If you don’t provide notices required by Sections 195 and 198 to your employees the penalties as well as attorneys’ fees can be substantial. So you need to make sure to comply with such notice every pay period. Next are handbooks. Can’t tell you how many times an employer will show me a handbook or tell me they don’t have a handbook and I’ll wonder why not. Because the handbook can get you out of big trouble and save you a lot of money. It might seem like, wow there’s a cost associated with drafting a handbook but it can really pay off long term especially if you face a lawsuit or a complaint. If you’re facing a charge filed against you with the EEOC or you have a complaint filed with the New York State Division of Human Rights you really need a lawyer on your side and the first thing that lawyers will ask you about is documentation. How do you keep track of employees’ pay and have you instructed them, especially on things like sexual harassment or disability discrimination. You may not realize that what you told an employee could be perceived as disability discrimination and all of a sudden when things happen at work you are facing either a charge or a complaint from an employee. The best thing to do is to call some employment lawyers, call around, call me. I’m Jonas Urba, I serve the entire state of New York and I can be reached at (212) 731-4776. Attorney Advertising.







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