New York Lawyer Discusses Severance Agreement Reviews.

I’m Jonas Urba. I’m a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. I am going to talk about severance agreements. There are several reasons why you should have yours reviewed by an employment lawyer. For one, the agreement itself probably says have a lawyer look at it and advise you on it. Secondly, once you sign, you have a 7-day rescission period. Once the 7 days goes by there’s no turning back and you’re stuck with the terms of the agreement. Next, you might have non-compete or non-solicitation clauses which can be kind of tricky. And finally, many agreements today continue to pay you after your last day of work for a period of time and you want to make sure that you receive what you are entitled to receive. Call some employment lawyers, call me, I’m Jonas Urba, I serve the entire state of New York and I can be reached at (212) 731-4776. Attorney Advertising.






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