Analyzing Employer Defenses is Key for Employment Discrimination but as Important is how Parties Handle Employment Litigation Stress.
Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer, here with Employment Law Reality Check. Last week’s video discussed how we represent employees who we may never meet in person. How is that even done? Once we have reviewed some documents and discussed the issues with a potential client we need to address what an employer’s defenses…
Employment lawyers and employees share more facts remotely, on Zoom
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer, here with Employment Law Reality Check. How do employment lawyers represent employees without ever meeting them in person? Employment lawyers are doing so more frequently. And people are wondering how does that even work? The first part is getting on the phone and calling some employment lawyers.…
Easier defense of small employers who follow their handbooks
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer. It’s been about a year since I started making these videos and I’m going to do a little something different. I’m going to make 3 videos on how important it is to get it in writing. This particular one is going to be geared toward small employers.…
New York state human rights law improved 2020 for employees
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. Did you know that the New York City Human Rights Law covers you no matter where your employer is located in any of New York City’s five Boroughs? And the City Law gave you more protection than either state or federal…
At will employee termination for no reason is a good reason
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. Most employees are “at will.” Government employees, union employees, and ones with private contracts have some protection. But all other employees can be fired for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. Call some employment lawyers with your employment…