Employment lawyers and employees share more facts remotely, on Zoom

I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer, here with Employment Law Reality Check. How do employment lawyers represent employees without ever meeting them in person? Employment lawyers are doing so more frequently. And people are wondering how does that even work? The first part is getting on the phone and calling some employment lawyers. We will discuss with you, on the phone no charge, to determine whether you might have a case of discrimination or unpaid wages or some other employment law related matter. And then we will probably ask for documents. We would like to see what you might have to support your claim. People wonder how will that even happen? Sometimes people scan documents or images of documents with their phones or iPhones. Other times, people will take documents to Kinkos for scanning. It costs a few dollars, it’s not that expensive. I even had a client not too long ago who went out and bought their own scanner and scanned a bunch of documents to me. That’s pretty much phase 1. Then we determine how we might prove your case. I may ask you some tough questions. I think any employment lawyer who is really doing their job will ask you some questions which maybe you will be comfortable answering or not. But I think it’s really important to establish a rapport with a potential client to see whether each of you can work with one another. Not every lawyer is the right lawyer for the client. I might not be the right lawyer. You may call another lawyer who may not be the right lawyer. There’s nothing wrong with that but until you start talking with some lawyers and determining whether you can actually work with them you will not know. Last weekend, for example, I reviewed several potential clients’ cases by reviewing the documents they emailed me. They either emailed documents related to a wage and hour case, another was a discrimination case and those required me to really spend some time and read the documents. Now, the next phase will be to discuss further with the potential clients their facts to determine whether litigation or potential litigation is right for us. The best thing to do is to start calling employment lawyers. Call around. I serve the entire state of New York and I can be reached at (212) 731-4776. My name is Jonas Urba but you really need to find the right lawyer for you! Attorney Advertising.







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