Whistleblower healthcare workers get new protection in NY

Hi I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. Have you been retaliated against as a healthcare whistleblower? Last year the law was improved quite a bit for healthcare workers. And that includes public and private. School employees who provide health services as well as public and private universities who provide healthcare services. If you reported a substantial and specific danger to the public health or a significant threat to the health of a specific patient, you’re protected. You have to report those to your supervisor first. You have to report those first to your supervisor because if you don’t report an improper quality of care to your supervisor, you may not be protected unless you have a situation where there is an imminent threat to the public health or safety and you have a good faith belief that reporting the threat to your supervisor would do no good. In those situations you are exempt from the supervisory reporting requirement. But before you proceed with any kind of formal action you should call some employment lawyers. You can recover an injunction, reinstatement to your job or a significantly similar position, or you may recover attorneys fees and costs and other losses like lost wages. But before you do anything you should know that you could be responsible for the employer’s attorneys’ fees and costs if you do not have a reasonable basis either under the law or the facts that what you did was justified by this whistleblower protection law. So call some employment lawyers. You can call me. I’m Jonas Urba, I serve the entire state of New York and I can be reached at (212) 731-4776. This is a public service message although it might also be attorney advertising regardless of my suggestion that you call many employment lawyers before you do anything.







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