Even New York’s Charter Schools Discriminate Against Administrators
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer, here with Employment Law Reality Check. I’ve been getting calls from teachers and school administrators; mostly probationary employees. Sometimes they think they have a discrimination case when their actual claim is violation of a union contract. I review collective bargaining agreements and discuss them with teachers or…
NY personnel files excluding government or union are private
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. Talking to you about performance evaluations and personnel files. It’s about that time of year when your employer is going to evaluate you. If there is something in your performance evaluation that is not completely accurate make sure you add to…
Dishonesty on a NY employment application could be fatal
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. How important is it for you to be honest on your employment application? The short answer is “very important.” Because if you’re not honest that could bar you from most claims you might bring against your employer. But there are some…
Mediate employment cases when both sides have legal counsel
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. Talking to you today about mediation at the EEOC. Do you need an attorney to be with you at mediation? The short answer is yes. You need to have an action plan. You need to decide what you want, how you…
No media attention to employment case unless lawyer retained
I’m Jonas Urba, a New York employment lawyer here with Employment Law Reality Check. Media attention can be a bad thing for your employment case. Your employment matter is serious and do you want to risk making it a media circus? And how long will anybody possibly pay attention to a story even if the…